Styles & Colors

Adjust font, background, and link colors to enhance your online experience and make websites work for you.

Color Customization features


Changing the background, link, and font colors of content and websites can help individuals improve their reading. All suggested dyslexia-proven colors are included in Helperbird.


There are several benefits to being able to change the font, link, highlight and background color of a website, including:

Improved accessibility

By allowing users to adjust the colors of a website, it can be made more accessible to people with visual impairments.

Enhanced user experience

Customizable colors can help create a more visually appealing and engaging website, improving the overall user experience.

Improved readability

Different colors can be used to improve the readability of text, making it easier for users to scan and comprehend content.


  • Change the font color to any color you want.
  • Change the background color of any page.
  • Change the color of any link, to highlight them.
  • Pick and choose the highlight color you want.
  • Pick the visited link color.
  • Pick the link color.

Is this a paid feature?

Yes, its included with your Helperbird Pro subscription.

Screenshot of a Google Docs document titled 'Untitled document'. Within the document, there's partial text stating 'Hello everyone my nam'. Beneath the incomplete sentence, there's a word prediction tool suggesting completions like 'name', 'names', 'named', etc. On the right side, the Helperbird extension is active, displaying several features. There's a bright pink 'Helperbird note' that quotes Chef Gusteau from Ratatouille, saying, 'Your only limit is your soul. What I say is true—anyone can cook ... but only the fearless can be great.' Other visible Helperbird tools include 'Voice typing', 'Sticky note', 'Word Prediction', and 'Highlighter'.

Annotations & Sticky Notes

Transform your research and workflow with Helperbird's Annotations & Sticky Notes feature. Effortlessly highlight, annotate, and leave comments on any website or PDF. Choose from a variety of colors and sizes, and organize your notes seamlessly. Save to the cloud and export in multiple formats, all while using our robust search functionality.

Line, Letter, and Word Spacing

Effortlessly fine-tune the spacing of lines, letters, and words on any website or PDF. Enhance readability and tailor your online reading experience with Helperbird.

Show Alt & Image Descriptions

Streamline your web browsing by showing image and link descriptions on mouse over with Helperbird on any website or PDF. Gain quick insights into content by hovering over images and links.

5 out of 5 stars

“After using Helperbird I can't say enough positive things about it. This extension has truly transformed my online reading experience. Whether it's adjusting font sizes, reducing eye strain with the gray filter, or using the dyslexia-friendly fonts, Helperbird offers a range of features that cater to individual preferences and needs. The customizable color options and text alignment have also been incredibly helpful for personalizing my browsing. And the speed reading feature? It's a game-changer! Overall, Helperbird is a versatile, user-friendly tool that enhances accessibility and makes online reading a breeze. Highly recommended!”

Charlie Nishelle Calkins, recognized for her contributions to Helperbird
Charlie Nishelle Calkins
Helperbird Pro user