How to Use Helperbird with Word Online

Using Helperbird with Word Online

Helperbird now supports Word Online, offering a range of accessibility features to enhance your document editing and reading experience. Make sure you have Helperbird version 105 or later installed.

Getting Started

Step 1: Open your preferred web browser and go to the Word Online website.

Step 2: Log in to your Microsoft account if you haven't already, and open a document in Word Online.

Activating Helperbird

Step 3: Click on the Helperbird icon in your browser's toolbar to open the Helperbird menu.

Step 4: Check that you're running version 105 or later. This is displayed at the bottom of the Helperbird menu.

Using Helperbird Features

Step 5: With the Helperbird menu open, you can now access various features such as text-to-speech, dyslexia fonts, and color overlays directly within Word Online.

Step 6: To read text aloud, select 'Text-to-speech' from the Helperbird menu and highlight the text you want to be read in your Word document.

Step 7: To change the font to a dyslexia-friendly option, search for 'Font' in the Helperbird menu and choose from options like Lexend or OpenDyslexic.

Step 8: For color overlays, navigate to 'Overlay' in the Helperbird menu, turn it on, and select your preferred overlay color to apply it to the Word Online interface.

Saving Your Work

Step 9: After making changes or adding notes with Helperbird, make sure to save your document in Word Online to keep all your changes.

Step 10: You can always access your customized settings by clicking the Helperbird icon, and they will be applied to any document you work on in Word Online.

By following these steps, you can utilize Helperbird to make Word Online a more accessible platform for your writing and reading tasks.

Please Note

Additional steps such as signing into your Helperbird account or obtaining admin approval may be required to use certain features.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please feel free to contact our support staff for assistance.

5 out of 5 stars

“After using Helperbird I can't say enough positive things about it. This extension has truly transformed my online reading experience. Whether it's adjusting font sizes, reducing eye strain with the gray filter, or using the dyslexia-friendly fonts, Helperbird offers a range of features that cater to individual preferences and needs. The customizable color options and text alignment have also been incredibly helpful for personalizing my browsing. And the speed reading feature? It's a game-changer! Overall, Helperbird is a versatile, user-friendly tool that enhances accessibility and makes online reading a breeze. Highly recommended!”

Charlie Nishelle Calkins
Charlie Nishelle Calkins
Helperbird Pro user

Get More Done with Helperbird! 🚀

Want to make browsing the web easier and more accessible? Helperbird is here to help! With features like text-to-speech, Immersive Reader, and reading tools, Helperbird makes your online experience better.