How to use the Editor app in Helperbird

How to Open the Helperbird Editor

The Helperbird Editor allows you to efficiently edit and work with text on the web. Here’s how you can open the Helperbird Editor from the Helperbird extension:

Step 1: Locate and click on the Helperbird icon in your browser’s extension area, typically found in the top right corner of your browser window.

Step 2: The Helperbird interface will open, showing you the Quick Actions panel with various feature icons.

Step 3: Look for the icon labeled "Open Editor" which is depicted with a pencil symbol, as seen in your provided screenshot. Click on the "Open Editor" icon.

Step 4: Once clicked, the Helperbird Editor will open, allowing you to start editing text as desired.

How to Create New Document in the Helperbird Editor

Creating a new document in the Helperbird Editor is a simple process. Just follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: If you haven't already, click on the Helperbird icon to open the Editor.

Step 2: At the top of the Editor, find the button labeled "New" or represented by an icon of a blank page.

Step 3: Click the "New" button. A fresh, blank document will open up for you to start writing.

Step 4: Click into the blank document and begin typing your content.

That's it! You're all set to write whatever you like in your new document within the Helperbird Editor.

How to Open Existing Documents in the Helperbird Editor

Step 1: Open the Helperbird Editor app within Helperbird.

Step 2: Within the Editor, click on the "Open Document" icon, usually represented by a folder or document symbol.

Step 3: The "Documents" panel will appear, displaying a list of your saved documents.

Step 4: Browse the list and select the document you want to work on.

Step 5: The document will open in the Editor, ready for you to edit or review.

How to Save Your Current Document in the Helperbird Editor

Step 1: Finish your masterpiece by typing your content into the Editor.

Step 2: Look for the "Save" button, typically located at the top of the Editor window.

Step 3: Click the "Save" button to securely store your document.

How to Use the "Copy Document" Feature in Helperbird Editor

Step 1: Engage with your document in the Helperbird Editor, making sure all your latest changes are in place.

Step 2: Locate the "Copy Document" button, usually found at the top of the Editor window alongside other document options.

Step 3: Give the "Copy Document" button a click, and like magic, a duplicate of your current document will be created.

Step 4: The copied document will be listed in your documents' area.

How to Delete a Document in Helperbird Editor

Step 1: With the document you wish to delete open in the Helperbird Editor, take a moment to ensure this is the document you want to remove.

Step 2: Locate the "Delete" button, which is typically positioned at the top of the Editor window.

Step 3: Click the "Delete" button. A prompt may appear asking you to confirm the deletion to prevent accidental loss of data.

Step 4: Confirm the deletion. The document will be permanently removed from your collection in the Editor.

How to Access Text Analytics in Helperbird Editor

Get ready to dive into the insightful world of text analytics within your Helperbird Editor. Here's how to open this feature and start exploring your document's data:

Step 1: With your document open in the Helperbird Editor, locate the "Text Analytics" button. It's usually marked with a distinctive icon and is found on the top toolbar of the editor.

Step 2: Click on the "Text Analytics" button to reveal a detailed breakdown of your document's statistics.

Step 3: Take in the comprehensive data displayed. You'll see metrics like word count, character count, sentence structure, readability scores, and more, all designed to give you a deeper understanding of your writing.

Step 4: Use these analytics to refine your work, target specific areas for improvement, or simply get a snapshot of your writing style.

How to Import Notes into Helperbird Editor

Step 1: Open your document in the Helperbird Editor where you want to import notes.

Step 2: Find the "Import Notes" button on the top toolbar of the editor. This button might be represented by an icon resembling a note or an import symbol.

Step 3: Click this button to open the sidebar dedicated to notes.

Step 4: Drag your notes into the sidebar.

Step 5: Once you drop your notes into the sidebar, the Editor will create references within your document, neatly organizing your content and notes side by side.

How to Export Your Notes from Helperbird Editor

Step 1: In the Helperbird Editor, complete any final edits to your notes.

Step 2: Click on the "Export" button, usually represented by an icon suggestive of sharing or downloading, to reveal the export options.

Export to Word

Step 2.1: From the export menu, choose "Download to Word".

Step 2.2: Your notes will be converted and downloaded as a Word document (.docx).

Export to Markdown

Step 2.3: Select "Download to Markdown" from the menu.

Step 2.4: Your notes will be downloaded as a Markdown file (.md), preserving the formatting as plain text.

Export to Google Docs

Step 2.5: Choose "Download to Google Docs" if you want to work within the Google ecosystem.

Step 2.6: The notes will be converted and a new Google Docs document will be created in your Drive.

Export to Text File

Step 2.7: For a simple text file, click "Download to Text file".

Step 2.8: A plain text file (.txt) will be downloaded, which can be opened with any text editor.

Now your notes are neatly packed and ready to travel across platforms or be shared with others!

Video Tutorial

  • Coming soon.

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5 out of 5 stars

“After using Helperbird I can't say enough positive things about it. This extension has truly transformed my online reading experience. Whether it's adjusting font sizes, reducing eye strain with the gray filter, or using the dyslexia-friendly fonts, Helperbird offers a range of features that cater to individual preferences and needs. The customizable color options and text alignment have also been incredibly helpful for personalizing my browsing. And the speed reading feature? It's a game-changer! Overall, Helperbird is a versatile, user-friendly tool that enhances accessibility and makes online reading a breeze. Highly recommended!”

Charlie Nishelle Calkins
Charlie Nishelle Calkins
Helperbird Pro user

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