Setting Helperbird Policies in Enterprise Environments

Key Points

Version Requirement: Ensure you have Helperbird version 116.0.0.

Enterprise Feature: Learn how to add a subscription key for all users.


In enterprise settings, administrators can manage Helperbird extension settings using a managed schema. This allows for configuration of properties such as the subscription key (subKey), exam mode (isExamMode), and admin control (isAdminControl).

Windows Configuration

Step 1: Access Group Policy Editor

  • Search for gpedit.msc in the Start menu and open the Group Policy Editor.

Step 2: Navigate to Chrome Policies

  • Go to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Google -> Google Chrome -> Extensions.

Step 3: Configure Helperbird Extension Policy

  • Find Configure extension installation policy, right-click, and select Edit.
  • Add Helperbird's extension ID: ahmapmilbkfamljbpgphfndeemhnajme.

Step 4: Apply Managed Schema Settings

  • Use the Additional Policies for Chrome section to input the JSON configuration for Helperbird's settings.

Step 5: Deploy Policy

  • Refresh the policy across the network to apply these settings to all users.

ChromeOS Configuration

Step 1: Open Google Admin Console

  • Access at and navigate to Devices -> Chrome -> Settings -> Users & Browsers.

Step 2: Select Organizational Unit (OU)

  • Choose the OU where Helperbird settings are to be applied.

Step 3: Manage Extension Settings

  • In the Extensions section, select Managed Extensions.
  • Add Helperbird's extension ID: ahmapmilbkfamljbpgphfndeemhnajme.

Step 4: Input JSON Configuration for Helperbird

  • In ExtensionSettings, paste the JSON configuration for Helperbird.

Step 5: Save and Deploy Configuration

  • Apply the settings to propagate them to all users under the selected OU.

MacOS Configuration

Step 1: Use Managed Preferences Tool

  • Use Apple's Profile Manager or a third-party Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution.

Step 2: Create Configuration Profile for Chrome Extensions

  • Go to the extensions settings in the profile creation section.

Step 3: Include Helperbird Extension

  • Add Helperbird’s extension ID: ahmapmilbkfamljbpgphfndeemhnajme.

Step 4: Apply JSON Configuration

  • Input specific JSON settings for Helperbird extension.

Step 5: Deploy Configuration Profile

  • Distribute the profile to MacOS devices in your network and ensure policy application.

Understanding Helperbird Policy Settings

The managed schema for Helperbird includes three key settings that administrators can configure for enterprise environments:

subKey (Subscription Key)

Description: The subKey represents the subscription key associated with your Helperbird Pro account. Type: String. Purpose: Authenticates and activates Helperbird Pro features across the enterprise. Ensures all users within the organization have access to Pro version without individual subscriptions. Usage: Enter the Pro subscription key provided by Helperbird. Applied to all instances of Helperbird across the organization.

isExamMode (Exam Mode)

Description: Enables or disables a mode designed for exam conditions. Type: Boolean (True/False). Purpose: Restricts certain features of Helperbird to comply with exam standards. Ensures students do not access tools/features not permitted during exams. Usage: Set to true to activate exam mode, false to deactivate. Useful in educational institutions during test periods.

isAdminControl (Admin Control)

Description: Indicates whether Helperbird settings are under administrative control. Type: Boolean (True/False). Purpose: Ensures only administrators can alter Helperbird settings, preventing unauthorized changes by end-users. Usage: Set to true for administrative control over settings. Useful for maintaining uniformity and compliance in Helperbird usage within the organization.

These settings are configured in the JSON schema applied to the Helperbird extension through enterprise management consoles or tools.


Windows Policy (Group Policy) Example

In this Windows Group Policy example, replace "Your_Pro_Subscription_Key_Here" with your actual Helperbird Pro subscription key. The isExamMode and isAdminControl are set to true, indicating they are active. Adjust these settings as needed.

      "ExtensionSettings": {
         "ahmapmilbkfamljbpgphfndeemhnajme": {
               "subKey": "Your_Pro_Subscription_Key_Here",
               "isExamMode": true,
               "isAdminControl": true

MacOS Plist Example

For the MacOS plist example, you should again replace "Your_Pro_Subscription_Key_Here" with your actual subscription key. The boolean values for isExamMode and isAdminControl are set to, indicating they are enabled. Modify these as required for your environment.


ChromeOS Configuration Example

  • The "ahmapmilbkfamljbpgphfndeemhnajme" is the extension ID for Helperbird.

  • The "subKey" field should be replaced with your actual Helperbird Pro subscription key.

  • The "isExamMode" and "isAdminControl" are set to true, indicating that these features are enabled. You can set these to false if you want to disable them.

  • This JSON configuration can be used in the Google Admin Console to apply these settings to the Helperbird extension for ChromeOS devices within your organization. Adjust the values as needed for your specific setup.

  "ExtensionSettings": {
    "ahmapmilbkfamljbpgphfndeemhnajme": {
      "Policy": {
        "subKey": {
          "Value": "Your_Pro_Subscription_Key_Here"
        "isExamMode": {
          "Value": true
        "isAdminControl": {
          "Value": true

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5 out of 5 stars

“After using Helperbird I can't say enough positive things about it. This extension has truly transformed my online reading experience. Whether it's adjusting font sizes, reducing eye strain with the gray filter, or using the dyslexia-friendly fonts, Helperbird offers a range of features that cater to individual preferences and needs. The customizable color options and text alignment have also been incredibly helpful for personalizing my browsing. And the speed reading feature? It's a game-changer! Overall, Helperbird is a versatile, user-friendly tool that enhances accessibility and makes online reading a breeze. Highly recommended!”

Charlie Nishelle Calkins
Charlie Nishelle Calkins
Helperbird Pro user

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